What Are the Advantages of Infrastructure as Code?

IaC and how it plays a crucial role in ensuring DevOps success

With the rapid development of information technology, businesses are continuously looking for ways to enhance their operations. One of the practices that have taken the IT world by storm is Infrastructure as Code (IaC). In a nutshell, IaC is a method that automates the provisioning of IT infrastructure, thus eliminating manual processes and promoting efficiency. This article delves into a comprehensive understanding of IaC and how it plays a crucial role in ensuring DevOps success.

Unraveling the Concept of Infrastructure as Code

What is Infrastructure as Code?

In traditional IT setups, configuring resources was a manual task. However, in the age of automation and cloud computing, IaC provides a way to manage these resources programmatically. This approach negates the need for manual intervention by using code-based files to set up and manage these resources, thus improving efficiency and repeatability.

The range of applications for IaC is vast. It can be used for everything from provisioning servers, configuring user accounts, setting up firewall rules, and even establishing databases. When integrated into a DevOps pipeline, it can also help set up Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) tools.

The Process Behind IaC

IaC operates through a two-step process.

First, developers or IT engineers compile policy files which outline how a resource should be configured. The language used to write these files depends on the IaC tool in use, as different tools support different languages.

Second, engineers use IaC tools to deploy these policy files. The tools then automatically configure the designated systems according to the specifications in the policy files.

The Benefits of Infrastructure as Code

The automation of IT resources through IaC offers a multitude of advantages, from initial resource setup to subsequent updates.

Speed and Efficiency

One of the most significant benefits of IaC is its potential to improve speed and efficiency. By configuring a resource once, it can be deployed to any number of resources without additional effort. This means the time and effort necessary to configure one thousand servers is essentially the same as for one, with the only limitation being the capacity of the hardware.

Moreover, by allowing teams to manage their own IaC code, the need for shared infrastructure teams is reduced, leading to less friction between operations and development.

Unlimited Scalability

Another advantage of IaC is its potential for unlimited scalability. Unlike manual configuration, a team's scalability is not constrained by the number of engineers or the time available for configuration and management. IaC enables rapid configuration of multiple resources to quickly scale up or down in response to demand.

Reduction of Errors

One of the primary benefits of IaC is the reduction of misconfigurations caused by human errors. Even the most careful engineers can make mistakes when manually configuring systems. However, by using IaC, these mistakes can be avoided. As long as the IaC policy files used to initiate resources are correctly configured, configurations will be applied reliably and uniformly.

Auditing, Compliance and Source of Truth

IaC configurations, defined in code, can be automatically validated before implementation. This allows for easier auditing and compliance checks. With IaC serving as the sole source of truth for your infrastructure, it can also act as a form of documentation, ensuring accuracy and consistency.


Organizations of all sizes can rely on IaC to maintain a consistent IT landscape. Manual configuration can lead to inconsistencies among systems that should be identical, due to individual engineer preferences. IaC minimizes this risk by ensuring a nearly identical set of configurations across multiple systems, as long as they are set up according to the same IaC rules.

Challenges Associated with Infrastructure as Code

While IaC can significantly improve the efficiency of IT teams, there are certain challenges that need to be addressed.

Errors in IaC Configurations

The effectiveness of IaC depends on the policy files used to define resource setups. If these files contain errors that are not detected before deployment, the same mistake could be replicated across all systems. However, thanks to version control, these issues can be fixed uniformly and rapidly rolled back if the results are not as expected.

Outdated IaC Policies

IaC policy files may be error-free when initially written, but can become outdated as technology evolves. When IT resources are changed or upgraded, it's crucial to ensure that the IaC files are updated accordingly.

Configuration Drift

Configuration drift refers to the divergence of configurations in an IT infrastructure over time. This can be caused by manual changes to infrastructure that are not reflected in the IaC, leading to inconsistencies. To prevent this, it's essential to establish zero-touch deployments and conditions, whereby no changes can be made without going through the IaC process.

Learning Curve

Engineers unfamiliar with IaC or a particular IaC tool may face a learning curve in writing policy files and deploying them. While IaC can offer significant benefits in the long run, it requires an initial investment of time and effort for engineers to acquire the necessary skills.

Tools for Implementing Infrastructure as Code

There are several IaC tools available today. These tools can be divided into two categories: open-source tools, such as Chef, Terraform, and Ansible, and closed-source tools tied to a specific vendor or platform, like AWS CloudFormation, Google Cloud Deployment Manager, and Azure Resource Manager.

Conclusion: Harnessing IaC for DevOps Success

In conclusion, IaC is a powerful tool that can help organizations achieve success in their DevOps initiatives. By automating the management of application infrastructure, IaC reduces errors, improves efficiency, and ensures consistency and security. This enables easier management and faster deployment of applications, leading to more effective DevOps processes.